For each mosaic that was successfully photometrically calibrated against one of the photometric reference catalogs, the resulting calibration metadata are archived in an ASDF-format file.
Obtaining the Files
If you are using daschlab, you can obtain one of these metadata files using
the ExposureRow.photcal_asdf_url()
method. This method returns a URL that
you can fetch using a web browser or any standard HTTP client. The URL is a
presigned AWS S3 link that is only valid for 15 minutes.
The underlying web API endpoint is GET /dasch/dr7/asset/photcal_asdf/{hexid}
. You can use this endpoint to obtain the
photometric calibration files outside of the daschlab framework.
ASDF files contain data organized into a hierarchical tree. The overall structure of the DASCH photometric calibration data tree is as follows, expressed in a JSON-like syntax:
// The ID of the plate that this dataset applies to
"plateid": <string>,
// The name of the photometric reference catalog that this dataset applies to
"refcat": <string>,
// The hex ID of the astrometry “result” on which this calibration is based
"astrom_id": <string>,
// The plate series name associated with the input mosaic file
"legacy_series": <string>,
// The plate number associated with the input mosaic file
"legacy_platenum": <integer>,
// The serial number of the input mosaic file
"legacy_mosnum": <integer>,
// The DASCH rotation flag associated with the input mosaic file
"legacy_rotation": <string>,
"solutions": [
// A list of solution records:
"defect_summary": {
// The number of “fake” sources in the image
"numfake": <integer>,
// The number of “real” sources in the image
"numreal": <integer>,
// The fraction of “real” sources passing quality tests
"ratio1": <float>,
// The fraction of “fake” sources passing quality tests
"ratio2": <float>,
// The ratio of ”fake” to “real” sources
"ratio3": <float>,
// The number of stars in the final calibrated output
"n_calibrated_stars": <integer>,
"defect_table": <table-of-defect-information>,
"reference_stars": <table-of-reference-star-information>,
// May be missing:
"spatial_bin_curves": <spatial-bin-curve-collection>,
"spatial_bin_metrics": <table-of-spatial-bin-metrics>,
"local_bin_maps": <local-bin-map-collection>,
// May be missing:
"mag_dep_cal_cubes": <mag-dep-cal-cube-collection>
// The internal ID of the compute job that created this solution
"job_id": <string>
Most of the action is in the solution records, each of which contains detailed
information for the photometric calibration of a particular WCS solution. The
zero'th item in the solutions
list contains data for solnum
= 0, the next
one for solnum
= 1, and so on.
A solution’s defect_table
contains updated AFLAGS
information after
defect processing. It contains a row for every input source, subject to some
early filtering. The table has the following columns:
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
NUMBER | nonnegative integer | The SExtractor NUMBER of a source |
AFLAGS | bitfield | Updated AFLAGS for the source |
The reference_stars
table contains information about the stars used as
photometric references. Its columns are:
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
NUMBER | nonnegative integer | The SExtractor NUMBER of this star |
REF | string | A unique textual name for this source |
ra | degree | The star's RA, according to the reference catalog |
dec | degrees | The star's declination, according to the reference catalog |
X_IMAGE | pixel | The X image coordinate of this star |
Y_IMAGE | pixel | The Y image coordinate of this star |
spatial_bin | integer | The number of the spatial bin that this star belongs to |
local_bin | integer | The number of the local bin that this star belongs to |
refmag | magnitude | The star’s magnitude, according to the reference catalog |
color | magnitude | The star's color, according to the reference catalog |
extinction | magnitude | The estimated atmospheric extinction at the star’s location |
limiting_mag | magnitude | The estimated limiting magnitude at the star’s location |
MAG_ISO | instrumental magnitude | The SExtractor isophotal magnitude of this star |
magcal_iso | magnitude | The rough-calibrated observed magnitude |
magcal_iso_rms | magnitude | The estimated uncertainty of magcal_iso |
dmag_iso | magnitude | Difference between rough-calibrated and reference magnitude |
cal_local | boolean | Whether local calibration was applied |
magcal_local | magnitude | The locally-calibrated observed magnitude |
magcal_local_error | magnitude | The estimated uncertainty in magcor_local |
magcor_local | magnitude | The applied local magnitude correction |
dmag_local | magnitude | Difference between locally-calibrated and reference magnitude |
npoints_local | nonnegative integer | The number of stars contributing to the magcor_local calculation |
BFLAGS | bitfield | Photometric data processing flags |
The spatial_bin_curves
collection contains information about the
photometric calibration curves determined for each “spatial” (annular) bin. This
collection is indexed by integers between 1 and 9; however, some of the elements
may be missing if the pipeline was unable to calibrate the spatial bin in
question. Each element of the collection is a table defining a photometric
calibration curve. The columns of the table are:
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
isogrid | instrumental magnitude | Curve input: isophotal magnitude |
maggrid | magnitude | Curve output: calibrated magnitude |
griderr | magnitude | Curve output: estimated uncertainty in maggrid |
flaggrid | integer | Calibration curve data-quality flags |
The spatial_bin_metrics
field is a table of scalar metrics associated with
each spatial bin. It may have up to nine rows, one for each spatial bin that was
successfully calibrated. The columns are:
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
spatial_bin | integer | The index number of the spatial bin in question |
colorterm | float | The colorterm determined for this spatial bin |
errorcolor | float | The estimated uncertainty in colorterm |
colorflag | small integer | A quality flag for colorterm |
limiting_mag | magnitude | The estimated limiting magnitude |
limiting_iso | instrumental magnitude | The estimated limiting instrumental magnitude |
upper_limit | magnitude | A more conservative limiting magnitude |
max_bright_mag | magnitude | The estimated bright-limit magnitude |
max_bright_iso | instrumental magnitude | The estimated bright-limit instrumental magnitude |
n1 | nonnegative integer | The number of stars provided to the calibration curve computation |
n2 | nonnegative integer | The number of stars used in the calibration curve computation |
rms | magnitude | RMS residual of the calibration curve computation |
The local_bin_maps
collection contains 2D arrays of calibration parameters
that are determined within the pipeline’s “local binning” step, which divides
each plate into a 50×50 grid of sub-images that are processed independently. The
elements of this collection are:
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
altitude | degrees | The altitude of observation across the plate |
extinction | magnitude | The estimated atmospheric extinction across the plate |
drad1_bin_count | nonnegative integer | The number of stars used for the first-pass astrometry check |
drad1_bin_size | nonnegative integer | The number of bins combined during the first-pass astrometry check |
drad1_ddec_median | arcsec | Median dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass check |
drad1_ddec_rms | arcsec | RMS dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass check |
drad1_dra_median | arcsec | Median RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass check |
drad1_dra_rms | arcsec | RMS RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass check |
drad1_reject_count | nonnegative integer | Number of stars rejected due to excessive RA/dec offsets, from the first-pass check |
drad2_bin_count | nonnegative integer | The number of stars used for the second-pass astrometry check |
drad2_bin_size | nonnegative integer | The number of bins combined during the second-pass astrometry check |
drad2_ddec_median | arcsec | Median dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass check |
drad2_ddec_rms | arcsec | RMS dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass check |
drad2_dra_median | arcsec | Median RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass check |
drad2_dra_rms | arcsec | RMS RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass check |
drad2_reject_count | nonnegative integer | Number of stars rejected due to excessive RA/dec offsets, from the second-pass check |
zout | magnitude | The local-bin magnitude correction |
errout | magnitude | The estimated uncertainty in zout |
npout | nonnegative integer | The number of stars contributing to the zout calculation |
reject_flag | bitfield | Error flags for local-bin calibrations |
bright_magcor_local | magnitude | The local magnitude correction, as determined from bright stars only |
bright_magcor_error | magnitude | Estimated uncertainty in bright_magcor_local |
The mag_dep_cal_cubes
collection contains 3D arrays of calibration
parameters that are determined within the pipeline’s “magnitude-dependent
calibration” step. It may be missing if the magnitude-dependent calibration step
did not succeed. If present, each element of this collection has a shape
(Nmag, Ny, Nx)
(expressed in C/Python ordering), where all of the dimension
sizes are may vary from one solution to the next.
Name | Unit/Type | Description |
bin_edge | magnitude | The faint edge of the bin along the magnitude axis |
xcoord | pixel | The center of the bin along the x image axis |
ycoord | pixel | The center of the bin along the y image axis |
bin_size | integer | The relative size of each bin |
nstars | nonnegative integer | The number of stars contributing to the bin |
bin_median | magnitude | The median magnitude of the stars in each bin |
bin_quality | float | A per-bin solution quality metric |
magcor | magnitude | The calibrated magnitude-dependent correction |
magcal_rms | magnitude | The RMS of the input calibration residuals |
Detailed Record Information (Alphabetical)
- Synopsis: The hex ID of the astrometry “result” on which this calibration is based
- Units/type: lower-case hexadecimal string
The input to the DASCH photometric pipeline is a mosaic with an astrometric calibration. This field identifies that input, in the form of a hexadecimal “result ID”.
- Synopsis: The internal ID of the compute job that created this solution
- Units/type: string
This field gives the identifier of the HPC job that created this calibration solution. If one has access to the Harvard HPC cluster, this could be used to look up the logfiles associated with the calibration job.
- Synopsis: The serial number of the input mosaic file
- Units/type: small nonnegative integer
This is the mosnum
field associated with the input FITS mosaic. It is
described as “legacy” because it should only be needed to look up the mosaic
file within the legacy DASCH data systems.
- Synopsis: The plate number associated with the input mosaic file
- Units/type: positive integer
This is the platenum
field associated with the input FITS mosaic. It is
described as “legacy” because it is only used to find the right input mosaic
file. This field might differ from the actual plate number, if a plate was
initially scanned and processed under the wrong number.
- Synopsis: The DASCH rotation flag associated with the input mosaic file
- Units/type: string; "", "r90", "r180", or "r270"
This rotation flag is yet another field needed to fully locate the input FITS mosaic file. It should not be relevant to scientific users.
- Synopsis: The plate series name associated with the input mosaic file
- Units/type: short string
This is the series
field associated with the input FITS mosaic, identifying
the associated plate series. It is described as “legacy” because it is only
used to find the right input mosaic file. This field might differ from the
actual plate series, if a plate was initially scanned and processed under the
wrong identifier.
- Synopsis: The ID of the plate that this dataset applies to
- Units/type: short string
This is a standard Starglass/DASCH plate ID of the form <series><platenum>
where the plate number is padded out to five digits using leading zeros if
This field gives the plate ID that was used at the time the photometric
pipeline was run. If a plate was later discovered to have been processed under
the wrong name, the value here might be incorrect. Likewise, the
and legacy_platenum
fields might not agree with this field, if the plate was initially scanned and
processed under the wrong identifier.
- Synopsis: The name of the photometric reference catalog that this dataset applies to
- Units/type: short string; either "apass" or "atlas"
There can be multiple photometric calibration files for each plate ID; one for each reference catalog.
- Synopsis: The number of “fake” sources in the image
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
This number counts sources that either have too much of a positional offset
compared to the refcat (i.e., do not match anything in the refcat), or are
blends. This will usually be much larger than
- Synopsis: The number of “real” sources in the image
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
This number counts sources that match an entry in the reference catalog and are not blends.
- Synopsis: The fraction of “real” sources passing quality tests
- Units/type: float
The DASCH photometric pipeline includes a “defect” processing step that rejects
SExtractor sources that are outliers in terms of local image metrics such as the
source ellipticity and orientation. This number gives the fraction of “real”
sources that pass five quality tests checking that the source is not an outlier
in terms of: (1) FWHM, (2) ellipticity as a function of flux, (3) ellipticity
over all sources, (4) flux as a function of SExtractor isophotal source size
), (5) SExtractor isophotal source size as a function of flux. Here,
“real” sources are those that match to a catalog entry with small positional
offset and do not appear to be blends, and that are not too close to the plate
edge or too faint.
- Synopsis: The fraction of “fake” sources passing quality tests
- Units/type: float
Similar to ratio1
, except computed
for the “fake” sources, which either have too much of a positional offset
compared to the refcat or are blends.
- Synopsis: The ratio of “fake” to “real” sources
- Units/type: float
This is equal to numfake
by numreal
- Synopsis: The updated
after defect processing - Units/type: bitfield
Updated AFLAGS
values. Some of these will have had the DEFECT
flag added
(bit 25), if they did not pass the defect-detection tests.
- Synopsis: The SExtractor
of a source in this image - Units/type: nonnegative integer
This column identifies the source within the input image.
- Synopsis: The altitude of observation across the plate
- Units/type: degrees
DASCH plates can be sufficiently large on the sky that the altitude of the observation may vary nontrivially across the plate. This field is an estimate since it depends on the time at which the observation was made, and this is not always known precisely.
- Synopsis: Estimated uncertainty in
- Units/type: magnitude
These are often NaN.
- Synopsis: The local magnitude correction, as determined from bright stars only
- Units/type: magnitude
The “local calibration” stage of the DASCH photometry pipeline determines magnitude corrections in in a 50×50 grid of bins subdividing the mosaic image, to capture very localized phenomena such as clouds or plate damage. This field gives a set of such local corrections, as determined from the brightest stars in each bin. In particular, it is computed for all stars that are no more than two magnitudes fainter than the brightest star in the bin.
- Synopsis: The number of stars used for the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
- Synopsis: The number of bins combined during the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
The astrometry checks need a minimum number of stars in order to do their computations. If some local bin doesn’t contain enough stars, data from its neighbors are combined in order to build up the statistics. This field counts the number of bins that contributed to the calculations. The maximum value is 9, if all eight neighbors contributed to the computation. The minimum value is 0, for those cases where there are not enough stars to do the calculation even when data from neighbors are included.
- Synopsis: Median dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
These values give the median declination offset between the DASCH’s star
positions and the reference catalog within each local bin. This calculation will
possibly include contributions from neighboring local bins as per
- Synopsis: RMS dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
This field is calculated from the same data as drad1_ddec_median
, but the
RMS is taken rather than the median.
- Synopsis: Median RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
These values give the median RA offset between the DASCH’s star positions and
the reference catalog within each local bin. This calculation will possibly
include contributions from neighboring local bins as per drad1_bin_size
- Synopsis: RMS RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
This field is calculated from the same data as drad1_dra_median
, but the
RMS is taken rather than the median.
- Synopsis: Number of stars rejected due to excessive RA/dec offsets, from the first-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
“Excessive” here is defined as a total offset greater than the limit after subtracting away the median offset in RA and dec. The limit is either three times the RMS offset within the bin, or three pixels on the image, whichever is smaller. Stars that are marked as blends, or having highly uncertain proper motions, do not contribute to this count.
- Synopsis: The number of stars used for the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
Same as drad1_bin_count
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: The number of bins combined during the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
Same as drad1_bin_size
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: Median dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
Same as drad1_ddec_median
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: RMS dec offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
Same as drad1_ddec_rms
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: Median RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
Same as drad1_dra_median
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: RMS RA offset between the image and the catalog, from the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: arcsec
Same as drad1_dra_rms
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: Number of stars rejected due to excessive RA/dec offsets, from the second-pass local-bin astrometry check
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
Same as drad1_reject_count
, but for the second-pass check. The second-pass
check uses only stars that have passed the various filters applied during the
photometric pipeline processing. These include defect and blend checks and
cutoffs for overly faint sources.
- Synopsis: The estimated uncertainty in
- Units/type: magnitude
Many of these are NaN.
- Synopsis: The estimated atmospheric extinction across the plate
- Units/type: magnitude
This map gives the estimated atmospheric extinction across the plate, determined as a function of airmass and the plate’s bandpass response (i.e., red or blue). This field is an estimate since it depends on the time at which the observation was made, and this is not always known precisely.
- Synopsis: The number of stars contributing to the
calculation - Units/type: nonnegative integer
- Synopsis: Error flags for local-bin calibrations
- Units/type: bitfield
This field records various flags that indicate that a local bin has poor-quality
data. Bit 0, HIZOUT
, is set if the absolute value of local-bin correction
is larger than 0.5, or if errout
is larger than 0.7. Bit 1,
, is set if the median star brightness is within 0.5 mag of the limiting
magnitude. Bit 2, DRAD
, is set if the RMS astrometric error is above limit of
90 arcsec or 3 pixels, whichever is smaller.
- Synopsis: The local-bin magnitude correction
- Units/type: magnitude
The magnitude correction for this local bin, determined as the median difference between the calibrated image magnitudes and the catalog values.
- Synopsis: The faint edge of the bin along the magnitude axis
- Units/type: magnitude
This cube specifies the location of the faint edge of each magnitude bin, in the
sense that a magnitude m is placed into bin i if bin_edge[i-1,*,*] <= m < bin_edge[i,*,*]
, using Python notation. The bins get fainter (bin_edge
increases) as i increases. The nominal “bright” edge of the first bin is 0.
The bins are uniform in X and Y: in other words, bin_edge[i,j,k] = bin_edge[i,q,r]
for all values of j, k, q, and r.
- Synopsis: The median magnitude of the stars in each bin
- Units/type: magnitude
If the bin does not have enough data, the assigned value is the nominal bin
center. For bin i, this is 0.5 * (bin_edge[i-1,*,*] + bin_edge[i,*,*])
- Synopsis: A per-bin solution quality metric
- Units/type: float
This is equal to magcor * sqrt(nstars) / magcal_rms
. Some values may be NaN.
The pipeline considers absolute values larger than unity to indicate acceptable
- Synopsis: The relative size of each bin
- Units/type: Positive integer
The magnitude-dependent calibration needs a minimum number of stars in order to do its computations. If some of the bins don’t contain enough stars, data from their neighbors in the x and y directions are combined in order to build up the statistics. This number is:
- 1 if no expansion was used
- 2 if the bin size was doubled on both image axes, touching all eight neighbors and quadrupling the bin area
- 4 if the bin size was quadrupled on both image axes, touching twenty-four neighbors and increasing the bin area by a factor of 16
- 6 if the bin size was sextupled, scaling as above
- 99 if it was not possible to get enough stars, and the bin contents are invalid.
- Synopsis: The RMS of the input calibration residuals within the bin
- Units/type: magnitude
Some bins may be NaNs.
- Synopsis: The calibrated magnitude-dependent correction
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the per-bin magnitude correction offset determined by the calibration process. Some bins may be NaNs.
- Synopsis: The number of stars contributing to the bin
- Units/type: Nonnegative integer
- Synopsis: The center of the bin along the x image axis
- Units/type: pixel
This cube specifies the position of the bin along the x image axis. The bins
are uniform in magnitude and Y: in other words, xcoord[i,j,k] = xcoord[l,m,k]
for all values of i, j, l, and m.
The bins on the image axes are increasing and nominally uniform, such there is
one positive dx satisfying xcoord[*,*,k] + dx = xcoord[*,*,k+1]
The nominal domain of the k'th bin is [xcoord[*,*,k] - dx/2, xcoord[*,*,k] + dx/2]
, but see bin_size
- Synopsis: The center of the bin along the y image axis
- Units/type: pixel
This cube specifies the position of the bin along the y image axis. The bins
are uniform in magnitude and X: in other words, ycoord[i,j,k] = ycoord[l,j,m]
for all values of i, j, l, and m.
The bins on the image axes are increasing and nominally uniform, such there is
one positive dy satisfying ycoord[*,j,*] + dy = ycoord[*,j+1,*]
The nominal domain of the j'th bin is [ycoord[*,j,*] - dy/2, ycoord[*,j,*] + dy/2]
, but see bin_size
- Synopsis: The number of magnitudes in the final calibrated output
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
This field gives the total number of stars in the output catalog that have valid calibrated magnitudes.
- Synopsis: Photometric data processing flags for this reference star
- Units/type: bitfield
in the lightcurve columns page.
- Synopsis: Whether local calibration was applied to this reference star
- Units/type: integer, 0 or 1
If 1, this reference star had a “local calibration” magnitude correction applied.
- Synopsis: The star's color, according to the reference catalog
- Units/type: magnitude
See color
in the catalog columns page.
- Synopsis: The star's declination, according to the reference catalog
- Units/type: degrees
This value is the catalog declination, corrected for proper motion from the catalog epoch to the plate epoch.
- Synopsis: Difference between rough-calibrated and reference magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This column is equal to [magcal_iso
] - refmag
. It gives the residual
difference between the mostly-calibrated magnitudes and the catalog. If
local calibration was successful in this star’s local bin, dmag_local
gives an improved magnitude estimate.
- Synopsis: Difference between locally-calibrated and reference magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This column is equal to magcal_local
- refmag
. It gives the residual
difference between the fully calibrated magnitudes and the catalog.
- Synopsis: The estimated atmospheric extinction at the star’s location
- Units/type: magnitude
This is derived from the star’s position on the plate and the extinction map. This value is an estimate because it depends on the star’s altitude, and hence the observing time, and this quantity is sometimes poorly known.
- Synopsis: The estimated limiting magnitude at the star’s location
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the value found in [spatial_bin_metrics[].limiting_mag
] for the
] index associated with this source.
]: #solutions-solnum-spatial-bin-metrics-limiting-mag
]: #solutions-solnum-reference-stars-spatial-bin
- Synopsis: The number of the local bin that this star belongs to
- Units/type: integer
This column specifies which one of the 2500 “local” (50×50 grid) bins this star was found in, in the plate image.
- Synopsis: The SExtractor isophotal magnitude of this star
- Units/type: instrumental magnitude
This is the uncalibrated (“instrumental”) magnitude provided by SExtractor based
on its isophotal flux measurement. The DASCH photometric calibration pipeline
uses the reference stars to establish calibration curves relating these to their
reference magnitudes (the refmag
- Synopsis: The rough-calibrated observed magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the observed source magnitude determined by the pipeline using only the
calibration curves derived in annular (“spatial”) bins. If local calibration was
successful, the magcal_local
column gives an improved estimate.
- Synopsis: The estimated uncertainty of
- Units/type: magnitude
This uncertainty is estimated from the RMS residuals along the calibration curve associated with the star’s annular (“spatial”) bin. In particular, a smoothed curve of residual vs. reference magnitude is constructed, and the adopted uncertainty is derived from that curve.
- Synopsis: The locally-calibrated observed magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the observed source magnitude after the local magnitude correction has been applied, if possible.
- Synopsis: The estimated uncertainty in
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the value found in local_bin_maps.errout
for the local_bin
associated with this source.
- Synopsis: The applied local magnitude correction
- Units/type: magnitude
This is the value found in local_bin_maps.zout
for the local_bin
associated with this source.
- Synopsis: The number of stars contributing to the
calculation - Units/type: nonnegative integer
This is the value found in local_bin_maps.npout
for the local_bin
associated with this source.
- Synopsis: The SExtractor
of this star - Units/type: nonnegative integer
This column identifies the source within the input image.
- Synopsis: The star's RA, according to the reference catalog
- Units/type: degree
This value is the catalog right ascension, corrected for proper motion from the catalog epoch to the plate epoch.
- Synopsis: A unique textual name for this source
- Units/type: string
See ref_text
in the catalog columns
- Synopsis: The star’s magnitude, according to the reference catalog
- Units/type: magnitude
See stdmag
in the catalog columns
- Synopsis: The number of the spatial bin that this star belongs to
- Units/type: integer, 1-9
This column specifies which one of the nine annular (“spatial”) bins this star was found in, in the plate image.
- Synopsis: The X image coordinate of this star
- Units/type: pixel
This is the X_IMAGE
value determined by SExtractor.
- Synopsis: The Y image coordinate of this star
- Units/type: pixel
This is the Y_IMAGE
value determined by SExtractor.
- Synopsis: Calibration curve data-quality flags
- Units/type: small integer
Different values of this field indicate different characteristics of the individual samples of the calibration curve.
- 1: good quality point
- 0: this point is part of the bright-end extrapolation of the curve
- -1: this point is part of the faint-end extrapolation of the curve
- -2: this point is part of an interpolation in the middle of the curve, in a place where there were not enough measurements
- Synopsis: Curve output: estimated uncertainty in
- Units/type: magnitude
This column acts as an alternative y axis to the smoothed calibration curve.
It gives the estimated incertainty in the calibrated output magnitudes
, as a function of the input instrumental magnitudes given in the
column. The uncertainty estimate is based on the RMS of the
calibration residuals, smoothed as a function of the input magnitude.
- Synopsis: Curve input: isophotal magnitude
- Units/type: instrumental magnitude
This column is essentially the x axis of the smoothed calibration curve. It
samples input instrumental magnitudes (the SExtract MAG_ISO
) values fairly
uniformly across the range of observed values relevant to the input image.
(Note, however, that under the hood the LOWESS smoothing process actually treats
the calibrated magnitudes as the x axis, and the MAG_ISO
values as the y
- Synopsis: Curve output: calibrated magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This column is essentially the y axis of the smoothed calibration curve. It gives
the calibrated output magnitudes that correspond to the input instrumental
magnitudes given in the isogrid
- Synopsis: A quality flag for
- Units/type: small integer
This field assesses the quality of the colorterm computation:
- 2: good quality point
- 1: OK-quality point
- 3: reused colorterm from the previous (more inward) bin
- 0: unable to solve for colorterm
- Synopsis: The colorterm determined for this spatial bin
- Units/type: float
This number empirically characterizes the spectral response of the plate. See the colorterm reference documentation for more information.
- Synopsis: The estimated uncertainty in
- Units/type: float
This uncertainty is determined from the least-squares residuals of the inputs used to solve for the colorterm.
- Synopsis: The estimated limiting instrumental magnitude in this spatial bin
- Units/type: instrumental magnitude
This is determined by applying the calibration curve to the value of limiting_mag
- Synopsis: The estimated limiting magnitude in this spatial bin
- Units/type: magnitude
This is determined using various heuristics.
- Synopsis: The estimated bright-limit instrumental magnitude in this spatial bin
- Units/type: instrumental magnitude
This is determined by applying the calibration curve to the value of max_bright_mag
- Synopsis: The estimated bright-limit magnitude in this spatial bin
- Units/type: magnitude
Sources brighter than this will be flagged as being beyond the reliability bounds of the calibration curve. The value is determined using various heuristics.
- Synopsis: The number of stars provided to the calibration curve computation
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
See also n2
- Synopsis: The number of stars used in the calibration curve computation
- Units/type: nonnegative integer
This is the number of stars eventually used in the determination of the calibration curve, after filtering for outliers.
- Synopsis: RMS residual of the calibration curve computation
- Units/type: magnitude
This provides a scalar assessment of the tightness of the calibration curve fit,
after rejecting various outliers and sigma-clipping. See also
] for a magnitude-dependent estimate of the
uncertainty of the derived magnitudes.
]: #solutions-solnum-spatial-bin-curves-spatial-bin-griderr
- Synopsis: The index number of the spatial bin in question
- Units/type: integer 1-9
Note that not all bins may have rows in the spatial_bin_metrics
table, if they
couldn't be solved.
- Synopsis: A more conservative limiting magnitude
- Units/type: magnitude
This should really be called “lower limit”. It is defined as the magnitude m
such that m + u = limiting_mag, where u is the estimated uncertainty in
m as derived from the [spatial_bin_curves[].griderr
] calibration curve. This
means that this limit is somewhat brighter than limiting_mag