The DASCH project at Harvard is grateful for partial support from NSF grants AST-0407380, AST-0909073, and AST-1313370; which should be acknowledged in all papers making use of DASCH data. Work on DASCH Data Release 7 received support from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative Pool.
We acknowledge the one-time gift of the Cornel and Cynthia K. Sarosdy Fund for DASCH, and thank Grzegorz Pojmanski of the ASAS project for providing some of the source code on which the DASCH scientific data access portal was based.
The ongoing AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS) has improved DASCH photometric calibration and is funded by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund.
WCS-fitted mosaic positions obtained after June 26, 2008 use tools provided by
See also the DASCH Team page to learn about the people behind the DASCH project.
For information about how to cite and acknowledge DASCH in your own work, see Citing & Acknowledging DASCH.